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Abbreviations and Definitions
(And some explanations)



AB All Breed
ANB Advanced New Breed
BOB Best of Breed
HHP Household Pet
HHPK Household Pet Kitten
LH Longhair
NT New Trait
PNB Preliminary New Breed
RD Regional Director
SH Shorthair
SP Speciality
TIFF The International Feline Foundation

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Championship Breeds
AB Abyssinian MX Manx
BB American Bobtail MK Munchkin
BH Americal Bobtail Shorthair ML Munchkin Longhair
AC American Curl NB Nebelung
AL American Curl Longhair NF Norwegian Forest
AS American Shorthair OC Ocicat
AW American Wirehair OL Oriental Longhair
BA Balinese OS Oriental Shorthair
BG Bengal PS Persian
BI Birman PD Peterbald
BO Bombay PB Pixiebob
BL British Longhair PL Pixiebob Longhair
BS British Shorthair RD Ragdoll
BU Burmese RB Russian Blue
CX Chartreux SF Scottish Fold
CR Cornish Rex SS Scotish Fold Longhair
CY Cymric SR Selkirk Rex
DR Devon Rex SL Selkirk Rex Longhair
EM Egyptian Mau SI Siamese
ES Exotic Shorthair SB Siberian
HB Havana SG Singapura
HI Himalayan SN Snowshoe
JB Japanese Bobtail SO Somali
JL Japanese Bobtail Longhair SX Sphynx
KT Korat TH Thai
LP LaPerm TO Tonkinese
LS LaPerm Longhair TG Toyger
MC Maine Coon TA Turkish Angora
    TV Turkish Van

Non-Championship Breeds
HH Household Pet/Kitten

Advanced New Breed
CU Chausie
SV Savannah

Preliminary New Breed
DH Donskoy (Don Hairless) MS Minskin
HG Highlander OA Ojoa Azules
HD Highlander Longhair OJ Ojoa Azules Longhair
KB Kurilian Bobtail SE Serengeti
KL Kurilian Bobtail Longhair SK Sokoke
TH Thai

Registration Only
NL Asian Longhair (Tiffanie) EH European Shorthair
NS Asian Shorthair GR German Rex
AM Austrailian Mist BA Javanese (registered as Balinese)
BR Bristol OL Mandarin (registered as Oriental LH)
BM Burmilla MD Mandolay
BN Burmilla Longhair NA Napoleon
SP California Spangle NP Napoleon Longhair
CE Celon RG Ragamuffin
CL Chantilly RF Ruffie
CH Chinese Harlequin SA Safari
CO Copper TF Tiffany
EB European Burmese VW Vienna Woods
YC York Chocolate

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Whole Cats
CH Champion
GCH Grand Champion
DGC Double Grand Champion
TGC Triple Grand Champion
QGC Quad Grand Champion
SGC Supreme Grand Champion

CHA Champion Alter
GCA Grand Champion Alter
DGCA Double Grand Champion Alter
TGCA Triple Grand Champion Alter
QGCA Quad Grand Champion Alter
SGCA Supreme Grand Champion Alter

Household Pets
MS Master
GRM Grand Master
DGM Double Grand Master
TGM Triple Grand Master
QGM Quad Grand Master
SGM Supreme Grand Master

Miscellaneous Titles
RW Regional Winner*
IW International Winner**
OD Outstanding Dam
OS Outstanding Sire
LA Lifetime Achievement

All of the Regional and International award letters are generally mailed out by July, after the results have been certified. These include Top 20 Regional Winners, Top 25 International Winners (prior to 2009, it was the Top 20 International Winners), and Breed/Color Award Winners.

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Here is how you can accurately advertise your wins to other breeders, perspective pet buyers, etc.:


With International Awards, if you receive one of the following, you may add IW to your cats' title prefix, and state that your cat is an International Award Winner to your friends, on your web site, on your business cards, etc.

If you are among the Top 25 (used to be Top 20 until 2009) of the following categories Internationally when the end of season results are verified, your cat is an IW, or International Winner:

Allbreed Kitten
Longhair Championship Cat
Shorthair Championship Cat
Allbreed Championship Cat
Allbreed Alter
Allbreed Household Pet Kitten
Allbreed Household Pet Adult

If you received a letter or certificate stating that your cat received an International Breed or Color Award, congratulations! You may state the following accurately: "My cat is an International Color Award Winner" or "My cat is an International Breed Winner," but there are no TITLES added to your cats' name for that.

The IW, or International Winner title is reserved solely for the top 25 in each class listed above - among all cats shown in TICA worldwide.

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With Regional Awards, if you receive one of the following, you may add RW to your cats' title, and state that your cat is a Regional Award Winner to your friends, on your web site, on your business cards, etc.:

If you are among the top 20 of the following categories within your region when the end of season results are verified, your cat is an RW, or Regional Winner:

Allbreed Kitten
Longhair Championship Cat
Shorthair Championship Cat
Allbreed Championship Cat
Allbreed Alter
Allbreed Household Pet Kitten
Allbreed Household Pet Adult

If you received a letter or certificate stating that your cat received a Regional Breed or Color Award, congratulations! You may state the following accurately: "My cat is a Regional Color Award Winner" or "My cat is a Regional Breed Winner," but there are no TITLES added to your cats' name for that.

The RW, or Regional Winner title is reserved for the top 20 in each class listed above - among all cats shown in TICA in your region.

If you have any questions, please direct them to your Regional Director. This information was provided by Jamie Christian, RD, Great Lakes Region.

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Agent: This is a person who will be showing your cat for you. Designating an agent will most often supercede a benching request. If you will not be attending the show but your cat will be, you will need an agent. You do not need to designate an agent if you are going to be at the show, unless you are disabled and will need help from someone to get the cat to/from the rings. Agents may also be used if you are clerking and need some backup getting your cat to the rings. If someone is agenting your cats, list that person on each cat. There should be only one agent listed for your cat. Designating multiple agents is frowned upon. Please do not utilize agent request as a means to get benched near everyone you want to be with.

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Benching Request: A benching request can pertain to a certain location (like end of the row) or the person you would like to be next to/across from in the show hall. Most clubs only allow one benching request. Entry clerks will make every effort to bench you with your request.

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